Trio-Molecular® Formula

Trio-Molecular® Formula

EISENBERG’s mission is to help prevent your skin from ageing. Our products contain the Trio-Molecular® Formula which is designed to prevent and correct signs of ageing, preserving the true beauty of your skin. 

What is it?

The Trio-Molecular® Formula synergises 3 molecules found in nature which help preserve and restore the natural functions of youthful skin.

Why include it?

From first application, this formula reactivates essential cutaneous functions for visibly younger, smoother, firmer, brighter skin.

How does it work?


The first molecule is an ENZYME. It eliminates dead cells, the cause of dull, grey, thick skin. In addition, it helps skin assimilate the active ingredients used in EISENBERG’s products, guaranteeing a better quality of cellular cover. 


The second molecule is CYTOKINE. Extracted from milk, CYTOKINE is a bioactive polypeptide that improves cellular renewal and extracellular matrix protein synthesis. This improves the appearance and firmness of skin. 


The third molecule is BIOSTIMULIN, which comes from the fresh tissue of young beech shoots. This molecule stimulates both cell oxygenation, a vital source of energy, and collagen and elastin synthesis for improved skin tone and elasticity. 

Pioneering research for optimal results

The Trio-Molecular® Formula, patented worldwide and exclusive to EISENBERG, is the result of 15 years of research and development. It is used throughout EISENBERG’s extensive range of skincare solutions, products which expertly balance effectiveness and luxury, innovation and sensory pleasure. For quick, visible results, the Trio-Molecular® Formula delivers!


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