José Eisenberg comes from a long line of textile industrialists and is the only son of Sally and Marcel Eisenberg. Born in Bucharest, he spent his childhood in post-war communist Romania, where the family’s assets were confiscated due to the policies of the time. His parents taught him strong traditional values, as well as the love of excellence and an unconditional respect for France. His father, who had studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, also shared his love for the French way of life. He was also very much influenced by the bravery of his uncle Aurel Eisenberg, a French citizen and part of the resistance movement during World War II, who was gunned down by the Occupation forces on the same day Paris was liberated. This story left an indelible mark on his personality.

José Eisenberg is a self-educated man. At the age of 13 he left school and cumulated several jobs, from newspaper boy to bill poster to handyman in Art workshops that used the techniques practiced during the Renaissance. He later sat the baccalauréat as an independent candidate.


At 21, consumed by his desire to create, José Eisenberg took control of his destiny and travelled to Florence, Italy, to pursue what had always been his passion: beauty.

He created his own design studio and a fashion factory. He invented his own collections, made clothing for the biggest brands and imposed his choices and style. He is one of the pioneers of the democratisation of fashion in Europe. Italy granted him honorary citizenship in 1972 for his commitment to the labour market and huge role in creating jobs.

Before his thirtieth birthday, in parallel and without abandoning the world of fashion, José Eisenberg, a hard worker, passionate about creation, set off for the United States to pursue his second passion: technology. A visionary, he threw himself into research focusing on artificial intelligence, founding JE Contrex in Boston, 25 years before anyone else even thought about working on the concept. He recruited scientists who had graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), giving them the financial means necessary to develop the project. Unfortunately, the technological gap was too big and José Eisenberg was too much ahead of his time. The insufficient IT resources made him abandon his research in the field of artificial intelligence. But he did not stop there. He created a second company, E.D.S. (Eisenberg Data Systems), which designed and marketed PCs, followed by the first PC with a detachable keyboard, using his own software.


In 1985, José Eisenberg wanted to bring everything he was passionate about together in one project, and aspired to create a beauty brand, “his” brand, drawing on his identity, values and experience. He longed to return to the ambition of his lifetime, that of a timeless, natural beauty without artifice, a brand that would reflect his true personality. And so began his quest for the ultimate formula which would make women and men even more beautiful.

Thirteen years of scientific research and two years of clinical and medical testing were necessary to make the Trio-Molecular Formula become a reality. It contains three molecules present in the nature which, once combined, regenerate, energise and oxygenate the skin, helping preserve or restore the natural functions of youthful skin. This scientific discovery would become the cornerstone of EISENBERG's brand and be incorporated into all of its cosmetics.


In 2000, after 15 years of scientific research and clinical tests, José Eisenberg was finally able to market his first products under his own cosmetic, perfume and make-up brand: EISENBERG.
His son Edmond is continuing the family tradition by working to develop the brand worldwide, respecting the strong values instilled in him by his father: the quest for perfection and excellence and the love of beauty and timeless modernity that is so specific to the brand.


Following in his father's footsteps, Edmond Eisenberg has taken on a shared leadership role alongside his father, ensuring the continuation of the Brand's legacy. With a deep-seated passion for beauty and a commitment to upholding the brand's core values, Edmond oversees the international strategy, visual identity, and development of EISENBERG. Embodying the spirit of innovation and excellence instilled by his father, Edmond is dedicated to furthering the brand's global presence while maintaining its unwavering dedication to timeless modernity and unparalleled quality.


Together, José and Edmond Eisenberg form a dynamic partnership that drives the evolution and growth of the EISENBERG brand. Combining José's visionary leadership and Edmond's contemporary perspective, they collaborate closely to innovate and expand the brand's offerings while staying true to its heritage and values. Their synergy fosters a culture of creativity, innovation, and excellence, ensuring that EISENBERG remains a beacon of luxury and sophistication in the beauty industry. Through their shared dedication and mutual respect, José and Edmond Eisenberg continue to shape the future of beauty, leaving an indelible mark on the industry for generations to come.