Art & Beauty: a true source of inspiration for EISENBERG Paris

Art & Beauty: a true source of inspiration for EISENBERG Paris

José and Edmond Eisenberg undeniably draw the inexhaustible source of their inspiration from art and beauty. For EISENBERG Paris, the French family brand, art is much more than a simple inspiration, it permeates every creation, every fragrance and every touch.

Today, the father and son reveal the artistic inspirations behind their creations. From the precision of the compositions to the subtleties of the refined bottles, each product is a work of art, carefully crafted down to the smallest detail, in a relentless quest for perfection.

Discover how art, in all its forms, feeds the soul of the Brand and can be found at every stage of creation.

How do you think art and beauty are connected?

José Eisenberg

"To me, Art and Beauty are intimately linked by nature and by purpose. The search for perfect harmony or, on the contrary, the rupture created in the arc of colours, shapes, materials and rhythms, is first and foremost personal, emotional and creative. Art and beauty shape our reality and transform it - filling it with meaning and making us happy. This is why it was important to me that every member of the EISENBERG team worked surrounded by paintings, sculptures and beautiful materials."

Edmond Eisenberg

"In the end, Art and Beauty are both meant to be timeless, universal and disruptive. Everyone freely interprets and chooses what they like, what makes them tick. The canons of beauty no longer exist as they once did, in the same way that painting, sculpture, architecture and music evolve under the impulse of an artist or society. The essential thing is to maintain a balance, an emotion that speaks to our senses and our soul."

What's the biggest lesson you've learned from your love of art, and how is this reflected in your Brand?

José Eisenberg

"In Art as in Beauty, the search for balance and harmony is paramount. Every detail counts, even the most subtle, and you have to dig deep, never give up, so that the eye is totally satisfied. That's our commitment to our customers: each of our creations must be perfect to be marketed, from the formula of course, to the bottles, engravings, hot stamping, boxes, images, etc. "

Can you share a special memory with us?

José Eisenberg

"17 years ago, as I was walking down the charming cobbled streets in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, a village in the south of France with a very distinctive flair, where art and beauty seem to breathe around every corner, I felt like walking into a small art gallery.

After browsing through the pieces on display, and as I made my way towards the exit, I suddenly noticed a painting half-hidden in a dark room. I was immediately captivated by the intensity of this work and asked for the room to be lit so that I could admire it. It was a painting by Juarez Machado, and it was love at first sight. I was deeply moved by the power of the colours, the sensual shapes and the vibrant energy.

When the gallery invited me to Juarez's vernissage, it was love at first sight once again - as friends, as intellectuals, as artists. We immediately felt a deep connection, about art, life and beauty.

When the idea for the "L'Art du Parfum" collection took shape, Juarez's name came to my mind. His art, so vibrant and expressive, was a perfect match for the spirit I wanted to give to this collection. After many trips back and forth between Paris and Monaco, and discussions about colours, emotions and fragrance notes, the "L'Art du Parfum" collection was born.

This collection reflects our shared passion for art and beauty, a true symbiosis between Juarez's artistic vision and the soul of EISENBERG Paris."

Why and what kind(s) of art inspire you?

José Eisenberg

"I'm fascinated by the great masters like Michelangelo and Da Vinci, geniuses who were able to combine emotion and technical mastery to perfection.

I vividly remember arriving in Florence when I was young and discovering the Piazza della Signoria and Michelangelo's statue of David. The power and grace of David are the very essence of human genius.

In the same way, the multi-talented Leonardo da Vinci is an inspiration for crossing the boundaries between art, science and beauty, in the constant search for perfect harmony and creativity.

The contemporary art of Juarez Machado and Sabala brings me joy and energy, an infectious fantasy and humour. That's why I've hung some of their paintings on the walls of our offices, including all those in the L'Art du Parfum collection, to inspire myself and all the teams on a daily basis."

Edmond Eisenberg

"Like my father, I am deeply inspired by contemporary art and emerging artistic movements. The creativity and bold expression in minimalism found in modern art interests me enormously. These art forms push us to innovate and experiment, and I like to think that our products reflect this dynamic energy and supremely elegant minimalism.

Take Igor Mitoraj, his works are all about precision, power and mystery, and always in an unfinished form that leaves room for the imagination. This approach resonates with our creative process at EISENBERG of constant exploration and innovation.

Pierre Soulages, with his use of absolute black and his infinite work on this colour, is also very inspiring, especially for a beauty brand like ours in our search for texture and perfection.

Finally, Claude Monet is very dear to me: those little touches that, together, form a precise, detailed and above all perfectly beautiful whole, are magnificent."

How do you see EISENBERG Paris' future through Art?

José Eisenberg

"For me, the future of EISENBERG Paris lies with my son and his innovative, modern and profoundly artistic vision. He is the "guardian of the temple", of all our values, and the link between art, beauty and EISENBERG and is a part of it."

Edmond Eisenberg

"The history and DNA of EISENBERG Paris are intrinsically linked to art, by nature so will be in the future. Art is a constant creative flow, it is infinite, and supports us in our creative process. Our ambition is to continue to create unique products of exceptional beauty and effectiveness, perpetuating our heritage and our passion for perfection."